QueenGnome's Domain

Welcome the fruit of my gnomes.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My life of Stress by Marshgnome

You asked for it now your going to get it! Top 10 reasons I have not been blogging! (believe me there's more but these are the top 10!) 1. My cat ran away for four days and I was a miserable wreck until he finally came home! 2. I have a brand new house to which I closed on Sept. 29th and have yet to move a single item into because my husband wants to "fix a few things first". 3. My old house has been on the market for 6 weeks and has yet to be sold. 4. I have to keep my old house spotless for showing whilst my lazy 17 year old daughter and 21 yr. old son continuously make messes they don't clean up. 5. I have a new puppy who continuously uses both houses as his toilet. 6. I have to single handedly remove gaudy wallpaper that must have been stuck to the walls with permanant liquid cement from almost every room in my new house. 7. My senior daughter is continously stressing (whining) about applying to the right college while her grades continue to slip into oblivian. 8. My husband very may well be slipping into a mid-life crisis! (I caught him napping in the yard when he was supposed to be mowing it!) 9. My job is so mind numbing boring, I think my brain is shrinking! 10. My parents are coming to visit me in my new house next week and there's no furniture in it much less food, towels, beds, toilet paper, etc. etc. and I packed everything in my old house so there's nothing here either! There! Is that good enough for you Queenie baby?????????????????????


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Letterman would be proud. And I thought having my house robbed was stressful. By the way the way, they got Grandma's necklace so I cannot pass it on to Lindsay. (I still don't know if I spell her name right after 17 years.

9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now dont you feel better that you got that off your chest?
I am glad your cat came home.
I knew there was a reason I didn't want to be a home owner.

6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's LINDSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't know you were robbed when did that happen? Are you ok? I think you need a dog. I have a 3 month old boxer you can have!

9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That you can name blue too even though its really Bo.............

4:55 PM  
Blogger QueenGnome said...

from Queenmamagnome
My poor poor baby you are having a time of it. Never mind bet you Dad will be right there scraping with you. Should I bring our own T.P. food, silverwear,dishes and beds etc. don't know if we can get it all on the plane. Or we could all go to a posh hotel in Horicon and eat out at posh diners.Glad Casper made it back. Bet Kim would love to have you dog in her huuuge apt.

5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I already have to clean Simon's butt I don't need another one to clean up after. LindsEy (will I remember this again-probally not)

3:12 PM  

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