Happy New Year Everyone
What's you're resolution?
I am going to "Go with the flow" and listen to how I feel. If it feels good I'm going to do it. If it feels bad I'm not. (Someone may have to bail me out of jail :) princessgnomekim
My resolution is to follow my dreams where ever they may lead me. ( Thats almost the same as princessgnomekim, so I will bail you out if you will bail me out :) mountainwitchgnome
My new year's resolution (and I'm serious here) is to stop wearing panties! No more restriction! No more lines! no more bulges! No more panties!!!!!!!
you go girl...........
My New Years Resolutions:
1. Get out from under the white thumb of oppression.
2. Let no one hold me back.
3. Buy a house.
4. Bail my sisters out of jail.
5. Take over the world.
6. Stop wearing the Marshgnome's panties.
brother anthony I am glad you will be bailing us out of jail and I hope you can meet your other resolutions I wont even comment on number 6 as a matter of fact I am going to even forget you mentioned it.
My New Years Resolutions:
I don't have any. I don't wear panties. (Frank still has issues with that) I have a house. And I'm in jail. Well,,,,,guess I'm gonna have a quiet year.
Check out the front page for my resalutions They are too good for just a comment. Hey Br.A. glad you are catching up with the blog. QMG
my new year resolution is to wear a thing in la and look good in it.maybe i will go to jail to for that who knows
Ok T whats the thing you are going to wear in LA
What have I done? I should of known better. However I don't wear panties all the time. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. If it feels good and all that. Tony I so proud of you owning uo to waering marshgnomes panties. What type do you prefer?
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