Happy New Year!!!!
The New Year is a diary with 365 blank pages,
fill them with chapters of learning and laughter,
poems of love and friendship,
songs of perseverance and faith and the
happy ending of a dream come true.
Get inspired write the best story you can.
Make the New Year ahead extraordinary.
My New Years Resolution is to have a little more patience with people that irritate the hell out of me!
Whats your resolution?
Love All Ya All,
I.m not going to make any because I would forget what it was the next day..QMG
Mine is to let go with lots of stuff I collected in the past... it is time…
I kept Maddie & Wolf's school works (some of them are from Grade school…), little notes they wrote me, a chair they used when they were so little... It is not going to be easy for me but if I don't, Tony will come in next time when I am out of town and burn them all, so I better go through them myself. Please God, help me be not so emotional... Ikuyo
Good luck Ikuyo, I know it is very hard to part with that stuff and you should only do it if you are ready and only a little at a time....Love ya, Barb
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