QueenGnome's Domain

Welcome the fruit of my gnomes.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Happy Mothers' Day to the Queengnome

The values you've taught,

the care you've given,

and the wonderful love you've shown,

have enriched our lives in more

ways than we can count.

We love you mom!

Love from,

Papa gnome and your little gnomes and gnomettes


Anonymous princessgnomekim said...

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

4:24 PM  
Anonymous DEA DEL SESSO said...

happy mothers day mom
i hope the day is filled with love laughter and special times.
i do not know what to say exceprt that you are my heart,my soul,my strength and my light.
because of you i have been able to endure many things,because you were always their to support me.i LOVE you SO VERY MUCH.we were so blessed and must have been so special to get you as our mom.you are the best.
you are still the most beautiful skinniest mom and you still look 15

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Marshgnome said...

Happy Mommies Day! Love you bunches!

1:04 PM  
Anonymous Brother Jim, DoHO said...

You are me mom,
or so I've been told.
For that I am thankful;
on that I am sold.

You taught me great things -
be smart, be careful, be clean, be bold.
You made me feel special;
more valuable than gold.

You made the days brighter,
The night stars you could hold.
When you stand in the sun,
we all get cold!

Happy Mother's Day!

#1 Son

9:15 AM  
Anonymous mountainwitchgnome said...

Jim, I loved your poem, I laughed so hard I cried...You are so bad

1:32 PM  
Blogger QueenGnome said...

Thank you Jim for the poem..You always make me laugh you are great even though you did cause most of the strtch marks because until Kim came in at 9lbs 13 ozs you at 8lb 12 ozs were the biggest.
Any how thank you to all my wonderful younguns for the cards flowers dinner and calls and tributes etc I am so proud to be your Queen Momma Gnome. God Bless..I love you all.
By the way I only block out half of the sun now. QMG

12:26 PM  

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