QueenGnome's Domain

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Sunday, June 07, 2009

Who Am I?

While making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 1524, I stopped on the Island of Crete, suddenly fell ill and went blind! Determined not to let a small thing like blindness stop me, I insisted to continue with my journey and visited the Holy Sites "seeing" them with my mind and heart. On my return trip, I once again stopped at the exact spot where I went blind, and while praying before a crucifix, my eyesight was miraculously restored to me!!

Good Luck!!

Love All Ya All,
The correct answer is: Saint Angela Merici...Three Cheers to Tracy for getting it right!


Anonymous Tracy said...

Who is Angela Merici! Tracy

12:30 PM  
Anonymous mountainwitchgnome said...

Very good Tracy..............

2:33 PM  

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