Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mothers' Day To The Queen!
(designed by Barb)
May your day be full of fun and happy memories. Love from: papagnome and the fruit of your loins, Nancy(highpriestess) Barb (mountainwitch), Teresa (dea del sesso), Jim (Director of human oddities), Rae(itsallaboutme),Kim(princessgnomekim), Emily(marshgnome),Tony(director of mutant affairs) and Vinnie(wizardgnome).............
On several dark, cloudy days, the queen gnome was seduced by the rancid evil Old Crow who deposited his demon seed around her fertile loins. The seed spawned and gave rise to mountain withces and various other gnomatic creatures who scattered the earth continuing to produce generations of other putrid gnomatic gargoyles and the like. But on one occasion, a bright, beautiful, sunny and glorios day, as the queen danced among the tall elms and royal oaks, she was visited by the handsome and charming Oddyssius Maximus. With his quick wit and smiling eyes, this god also seduced the queen - as though this was some great feat - and provided her the opportunity to bring forth an offspring so great, so intelligent, and so magnificent that he would overshadow all of the other horrific creatures spawned by the Old Crow. When he was brought forth to the earth, the brilliance of this magnificent son was so evident one merely had to look into his eyes to know that he would lord over all the oddities previously and subsequently brought forth by the queen. In mockery of the Old Crow and in recognition of the brilliant nature of his new son, Oddyssius donned him Jim (as in Beam - Old Crow's arch rival) and immediately proclaimed him the Director of all human (and gnomatic) oddities! Old Crow was furious and made many attempts to match the quality of seed of Oddyssius. He made valiant efforts and on the fourth attempt came very close when the Queen finally produced another son. But, alas, knowing that this spawn still fell short, he made one last attempt. The resulting oddity produced - though in deed another male - was so hideously odd, the Old Crow gave up trying, abandoned all his efforts with the Queen. Thinking it was the Queen's fault and not his own, the Old Crow made attempts with other nefarious gnomtic creatures. Finally, realizing his attempts were futile, he gave up and lived the rest of his pathetic existence in isolation. The Queen, on the other hand, lived a long life, growing plump and cheerful. She eventually met a prince who took her away from the forest and the temptation to produce more offspring. Realizing that she had already produced the ultimate son, she resigned herself to produce no more, but to merely bask in the brilliance of her first - and greatest - sons. On this occasion, the director proclaims his honor and love for the Queen, and thanks her for realizing the greatness she has produced! Happy Gnomether's Day!
Dahling: Hope you have a spring back in your step today. Enjoy. Make sure Aurelia and Tony take you out for the rest of us. That's why I gave them all that money they asked for. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, princessgnomekim
As usual mother, I will be the only daughter with you on Mother's Day. I will, as usual, take great care of you because you are the greatest mommy on the earth.
I love you. Lots more than the rest of your fruit.......Aurelia
Mommy, I hope you have a wonderful day! I wish I could be there to spend it with you! You'll be in my thoughts all day! I miss you and love you lots! love, your baby girl - Emily
(designed by Barb)
May your day be full of fun and happy memories. Love from: papagnome and the fruit of your loins, Nancy(highpriestess) Barb (mountainwitch), Teresa (dea del sesso), Jim (Director of human oddities), Rae(itsallaboutme),Kim(princessgnomekim), Emily(marshgnome),Tony(director of mutant affairs) and Vinnie(wizardgnome).............
On several dark, cloudy days, the queen gnome was seduced by the rancid evil Old Crow who deposited his demon seed around her fertile loins. The seed spawned and gave rise to mountain withces and various other gnomatic creatures who scattered the earth continuing to produce generations of other putrid gnomatic gargoyles and the like. But on one occasion, a bright, beautiful, sunny and glorios day, as the queen danced among the tall elms and royal oaks, she was visited by the handsome and charming Oddyssius Maximus. With his quick wit and smiling eyes, this god also seduced the queen - as though this was some great feat - and provided her the opportunity to bring forth an offspring so great, so intelligent, and so magnificent that he would overshadow all of the other horrific creatures spawned by the Old Crow. When he was brought forth to the earth, the brilliance of this magnificent son was so evident one merely had to look into his eyes to know that he would lord over all the oddities previously and subsequently brought forth by the queen. In mockery of the Old Crow and in recognition of the brilliant nature of his new son, Oddyssius donned him Jim (as in Beam - Old Crow's arch rival) and immediately proclaimed him the Director of all human (and gnomatic) oddities! Old Crow was furious and made many attempts to match the quality of seed of Oddyssius. He made valiant efforts and on the fourth attempt came very close when the Queen finally produced another son. But, alas, knowing that this spawn still fell short, he made one last attempt. The resulting oddity produced - though in deed another male - was so hideously odd, the Old Crow gave up trying, abandoned all his efforts with the Queen. Thinking it was the Queen's fault and not his own, the Old Crow made attempts with other nefarious gnomtic creatures. Finally, realizing his attempts were futile, he gave up and lived the rest of his pathetic existence in isolation. The Queen, on the other hand, lived a long life, growing plump and cheerful. She eventually met a prince who took her away from the forest and the temptation to produce more offspring. Realizing that she had already produced the ultimate son, she resigned herself to produce no more, but to merely bask in the brilliance of her first - and greatest - sons. On this occasion, the director proclaims his honor and love for the Queen, and thanks her for realizing the greatness she has produced! Happy Gnomether's Day!
Dahling: Hope you have a spring back in your step today. Enjoy. Make sure Aurelia and Tony take you out for the rest of us. That's why I gave them all that money they asked for. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, princessgnomekim
As usual mother, I will be the only daughter with you on Mother's Day. I will, as usual, take great care of you because you are the greatest mommy on the earth.
I love you. Lots more than the rest of your fruit.......Aurelia
Mommy, I hope you have a wonderful day! I wish I could be there to spend it with you! You'll be in my thoughts all day! I miss you and love you lots! love, your baby girl - Emily
I dont think its fair that Tony is only sharing his feel good pills with Jim. I think he should share them with all of us.........but since he wont lets take Teresas' shes got 3 different kind...........I love your story Jim.......
jim i loved your story but you forgot the partabout the perfect little dark haired adorable daughter she birthed
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