The New Guess Who Game
Queen Gnome and mountainwitchgnome would like you to join us in this new game. When someone says or does something that is really funny or really dumb( like dumb blonde or here's your sign dumb or funny) just blog what was said or done and then everyone tries to guess who it is. Your prize will be the knowledge of knowing you know the family better than anyone else.
So the first guess who question is: Guess who tried to play a DVD in their CD player?
Hint: It's not Teresa
Good luck and have fun with the game.
We know you all will participate or you will feel the wrath of the Queen Gnome.
Love All Ya All,
Queen Gnome and mountainwitchgnome
So the first guess who question is: Guess who tried to play a DVD in their CD player?
Hint: It's not Teresa
Good luck and have fun with the game.
We know you all will participate or you will feel the wrath of the Queen Gnome.
Love All Ya All,
Queen Gnome and mountainwitchgnome
I guess it's dad? -Kim
It was dad!!!!!
I don' think it's fair if I play. I usually know what mom & dad say & do daily. Not that they are the only ones goofing things up. However,........
Yes it was dad. Yes Rae I am sure people will put things on that you dont know.........
I agree Aurelia has to wait and give other people a chance to guess before she gives the answer she knows tooooooo much,
I guessed dad first-what was my prize?
The knowledge that you know your family....That is the prize
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