Something to think about... by itsallaboutmegnome
Kim, I bet you rue the day you started this blog.
I have an idea. I have been bantering around with it for quite some time, and finally, after reading my lovely brother Tony’s message, the idea grew and grew and grew. Three times larger it grew!
Some say there is a problem in this country regarding the liberals and their lack of interest to work for a living, because it’s just as easy to let the government take care of them. And, some will argue, that is neither fair nor accurate. Actually, both sides are correct. Alas, there are some people in our country, in every country really, that do not have the drive to make something on their own. Then there are those unfortunates that cannot work due to illnesses and/or handicaps.
My idea is to have the people who rely on welfare or disability to be obligated to volunteer for their local charities and neighborhoods. Here’s how it works:
If a person receives any type of subsidy from any branch of the government, i.e., food stamps, welfare, disability, that person must donate 10 hours each week at a charity, cleaning up the streets, church of their choice, etc. You might argue the cost to track these hours and volunteers would be too costly, well, that’s where the volunteers come in. Train the volunteers to help monitor the volunteers.
Some will argue they cannot volunteer due to lack of child care. You can earn your volunteer hours by watching other children of volunteers. Some will argue they cannot volunteer due to a physical disability. Most disabled, excluding the severely handicapped can stuff envelopes. Some will argue they cannot volunteer due to lack of transportation. Help clean up your neighborhoods.
I truly believe if we give a person a purpose, this person will eventually gain the confidence and drive it takes to better themselves. Everyone wants to be needed. Their children will see their parents giving back to their communities and learn to respect their fellowman as well.
Ninety three percent of volunteers around the nation are senior citizens. We have millions of capable young men and women who do absolutely nothing for themselves or their country. Let’s give them a purpose and a reason to want to give back.
Such a Pollyannaish idea? Maybe, but who knows, it could work. There will still be those who will beat the system, and argue about their rights, and some will even bring up the “NEW SLAVERY” of the U.S. Government, but I think it could work.
What do you think?
I have an idea. I have been bantering around with it for quite some time, and finally, after reading my lovely brother Tony’s message, the idea grew and grew and grew. Three times larger it grew!
Some say there is a problem in this country regarding the liberals and their lack of interest to work for a living, because it’s just as easy to let the government take care of them. And, some will argue, that is neither fair nor accurate. Actually, both sides are correct. Alas, there are some people in our country, in every country really, that do not have the drive to make something on their own. Then there are those unfortunates that cannot work due to illnesses and/or handicaps.
My idea is to have the people who rely on welfare or disability to be obligated to volunteer for their local charities and neighborhoods. Here’s how it works:
If a person receives any type of subsidy from any branch of the government, i.e., food stamps, welfare, disability, that person must donate 10 hours each week at a charity, cleaning up the streets, church of their choice, etc. You might argue the cost to track these hours and volunteers would be too costly, well, that’s where the volunteers come in. Train the volunteers to help monitor the volunteers.
Some will argue they cannot volunteer due to lack of child care. You can earn your volunteer hours by watching other children of volunteers. Some will argue they cannot volunteer due to a physical disability. Most disabled, excluding the severely handicapped can stuff envelopes. Some will argue they cannot volunteer due to lack of transportation. Help clean up your neighborhoods.
I truly believe if we give a person a purpose, this person will eventually gain the confidence and drive it takes to better themselves. Everyone wants to be needed. Their children will see their parents giving back to their communities and learn to respect their fellowman as well.
Ninety three percent of volunteers around the nation are senior citizens. We have millions of capable young men and women who do absolutely nothing for themselves or their country. Let’s give them a purpose and a reason to want to give back.
Such a Pollyannaish idea? Maybe, but who knows, it could work. There will still be those who will beat the system, and argue about their rights, and some will even bring up the “NEW SLAVERY” of the U.S. Government, but I think it could work.
What do you think?
It's a good idea and maybe it could work (but) if they can get out there and volunteer then they can get out there and get a job. There is no excuse for anyone to not work because they have jobs for everyone and means to do it and child care services and transportation. Even paraplegics,the blind and the deaf,and even the people that are special have jobs. I think they should give them a time limit to be on it and then they get a job or they dont its up to them but they will have to wait a year to get more money. The children will be taken care of but not the adults. If you are in a wheel chair you can still be a cashier. If you are missing a limb there are jobs for you also. I feel that when you work you will feel better about yourself and yes you can still get food stamps or whatever to help out.
The elderly have already put in their time they shouldnt have to work or volunteer(unless they want too)they shouldnt have to work to pay for medicine or medical bills, they've already paid their dues. That is the part of goverment I dont agree with they pay everything for the lazy people and ignore the ones that have paid their dues.
I am Happy to see that you are all starting to use the blogger....Love All Ya All, Barb
If you get the government involved in voluteer organizations -oh boy. Unless they could volunteer for whomever they wanted to. Like maybe they could volunteer to do my laundry. (I haven't had time-it's piling up) Want to hear Poly anne-I just say we all just be positive about ourselves and not worry about others. Once they see us feeling good they get positive as well and then they have hope. (Now taht's Polly Anna
Kim, Brilliant idea. Positve thinking via osmosis.
Okay my darling daughters start the ball rolling. Letterts to newspapers are a good start..Love you all.
p.s. Kim train Simon to do your laundry I heard there is also a chimpanzee out there who likes to clean toilets.
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