Who did you tell? by Brother Anthony
Esteemed members of The Institute for Human Oddities and all of you gnome experiments: Although I am actually in a very positive and happy mood this morning, (the sun is shining, there's a briskness in the air that is accompanied by the smells of fall, and Max the Beagle is, as always, by my side, bringing happiness and joy), deep inside I have a heavy heart. I have been, as I'm sure most of you have (at least the ones who actually care about this incredible country of ours - The Great United States of America), paying very close attention to the news these past few weeks, as we are facing financial turmoil, and an election that will decide whether or not we become a socialist country, after fighting for more than 200 years for freedom and democracy, and against tyranny, socialism, communism and oppression.
Although the economic news is not good, I believe that we, as a nation, will come through this stronger than ever, provided the forces of socialism and globalization are held at bay, and those "elected" rulers do not succumb to leftists and America haters, and turn us over to the U.N (the great satan).
Now, it is no secret that I am a staunch, God fearing, unapologetic America loving conservative. And, as such, I believe in personal responsibility and accountability to myself, my God, my family, my country and to those I work for. This is not a "blame the Democrats" diatribe. (So all you liberal gnomes and other "progressives" that may stumble upon this elucidation of the truth should keep on reading). It is an indictment against, and repudiation of, all of our elected officials. Those of you who are close minded and beholden to your political party, read no further, for you are not seeking the truth. You are simply looking for another venue to spew forth your vile party talking points, and what you read below will cause you to flail about, wailing and gnashing your teeth, all the while seething with anger that I would have the audacity to criticize your beloved political party. Well my friends, I am a true American (by birth, attitude, sacrifice and the grace of God Almighty), and I am not beholden to any political party. So go whine to someone who actually gives a rat's ass about your political posturing and selfish views. You have been warned.
All of this, my friends, brings me to a very serious question: Who did they tell? Who are they and tell what, you may ask? Those of you who are enlightened, and actually believe in something greater than your own pet causes, already know the answers. For the rest, I will enlighten you. As I watched the debates last night, and listened to the pundits, and the talking heads, and the spewers of the party line of lies, deceit and half truths, one line in particular kept being repeated by BOTH of the candidates, and their robotic, fork tongued, goat hoofed demon minions. That "line" (as it will be referred to throughout the remainder of this scintillating epiphany) is: "I knew about this a year ago and told them something needed to be done." I started thinking about it, and realized how many times, and in how many situations, this line has been used by ALL politicians. Whether it be illegal immigration, war, finances and economics, crime, intelligence gathering, local, state and federal budgets, the deficit, etc., when things go wrong, the politicians all say the same thing (just before they blame Bush, Wall Street, the rich, and the opposing political party): "I knew about this FILL IN THE NUMBER years ago, and told them that something had to be done, or we'd be in the position we are in now."
Let's break this down. 1. They (the politicians up for reelection) told them (other politicians). First of all, in this case (the current economic problems), as in virtually all others issues facing this country, the problem was created by the politicians. Sure, there was some greed and shady dealings by certain CEOs, but the cold, hard fact is that it was the federal government who created this. It was the Democratic politicians who forced banks to give loans to people who could not afford them, had their people run Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae into the ground, blocked any efforts to control them, and created this entire culture of greed, entitlements and corruption, all for personal, financial and political gain. Split hairs all you like, but facts are facts. (Keep reading, the Republicans are also taken to task.)
2. Who did they tell? Who is "them"? They told other politicians, who were unwilling to do anything. John McCain said he warned about this years ago. Barack Obama said he warned of the problem a year or so ago. The people in Washington, by their own admission, have been aware of the upcoming turmoil for years, and yet they did nothing about it. NOTHING AT ALL! The Republicans were too busy trying to be all things to all people, and the Democrats were too busy trying to destroy the country and make the President look bad at all costs. Nothing has been accomplished. NOTHING! Again, I say to you, the politicians, and all of their cabinet officials in Washington knew this was coming years ago, AND DID NOTHING ABOUT IT! Now, instead of taking responsibility for their part, accepting the consequences, and moving forward (simple values we instill - or should instill - in our children) for the sake of the country, they blame everyone else, inciting hatred and class envy, all in the name of saving their sorry asses and their jobs! AND THEY GET AWAY WITH IT!
3. Who did they tell? I'll tell you who they didn't tell. They didn't tell us, the citizens and taxpayers of this great country. Why didn't they say anything to us? If they told their colleagues in the House and Senate, and they wouldn't do anything, why didn't they bring it to us? For God's sake, they work for us. We pay them. We put them where they are today. And yet, they treat us like stupid children, that should be seen, and not heard. We must be stupid, because we keep swallowing the same shit sandwiches they've been feeding us for years. It's a simple formula: screw up, deflect the blame, apologize for what "others" have done, focus on petty partisan issues that have nothing to do with the safety and security of our great country (or the crisis at hand), bash the President, and never talk about it again, hoping, which is usually the case, that the American citizens will forget about it, and, once again, give our hard earned money away to those who continually fail us. And the worst part? We keep reelecting them! The politicians have forgotten that they work for us; we are not here to be ruled by them, they are there to work for us. Why didn't they tell us? Because we would have fired them all. You want real change in Washington? Throw out all the bums, and put in real, everyday Americans. Not folks who will simply lecture us and chastise us, but people who really care for this great country and their fellow Americans. People who understand what it is to get up everyday and go to work and get things done. People who understand that if they don't do their job, they will get fired. People who understand that, in America, we all have an equal opportunity, but equal outcome is not guaranteed. People who understand that hard work, dedication and innovation are to be rewarded, not punished, and that mediocrity, dishonesty and no work ethic should be loathed and abhorred. People who understand that socialism and communism were created by evil people in order to keep their power and keep the masses uninformed, oppressed and dependant on the government. If you continually screwed up at your job the way the politicians do, how long would you have a job? (The preceding question does not apply to union members, who can, and do, keep their jobs, regardless of how badly they continually screw up, to the detriment of honest, hard workers.)
4. Why didn't they do anything about it? Because that would mean they would have to actually make a stand on principal, something not many politicians have. They would have to do what's right for the good of this great country, instead of dancing around the issue, so as not to offend anyone who might vote against them. They would actually have to do their job. They would actually have to admit to their boss (the American people) that they screwed up royally, again, and risk getting fired. How many times do they have to fail us before we stand up, get angry, and hold them accountable? Again and again they fail us, then try to spin it like it was someone else’s fault. They are supposed to be our leaders, yet they act like children who continually get caught making trouble: making excuses and blaming others for their own shortcomings, instead of actually taking responsibility for their actions. And all the bleeding hearts and artists (Pink Floyd-The Wall) come to their defense, and tell us we are all to blame because it's all society's fault. Unless, of course, it's a Republican. Then there is a witch hunt, followed by a burning at the stake.
Republicans are not free of sin in this (or any other of the ills facing us). They did nothing to stop what was going on, also for their own personal, political and financial gain. And while they are less implicated, they are no less culpable. There are plenty of other issues that the Republicans have created that have cost us plenty. Remember amnesty for illegals in the 80s? Or how about the Contract with America in the 90s? Sure, it started out right, but then the entire focus of the Republicans that we trusted and hired turned to destroying the President. Doesn't this sound familiar? They failed us. They took our money and spent it like they were entitled to it.
Even those "elected" rulers who were not directly involved, simply by their inaction, all the while knowing of the problem, are just as much to blame as those who directly caused this (or any other) issue.
My question to all of the politicians in Washington is this: If you knew about what was happening in the housing, mortgage and credit markets (or any other issue that is facing our great country) for so long, why didn't you do anything about it? Why did you just let this happen? Why didn't you tell us so that we could be prepared? You had no problem telling us that you knew about it, and that you warned "them", but you did absolutely nothing. This happens all too often. Every crisis that arises, you say you've known about it and warned "them" about it, but YOU DID NOTHING! You say the "line", and spew the party talking points, but the fact remains: YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS AND YOU DID NOTHING ABOUT IT! You have failed us time and time again. You are all beholden to your political parties, instead of being beholden to the American people and this great country. We put our trust in you, but again, as is all too often the case, YOU HAVE FAILED US! I want all of you politicians to look deep into the black holes where your hearts once were, and for once, put down the party Koolaide and be honest with yourselves and, more importantly, us - the American People - and tell all of us why, if you've known about this problem (insert any issue facing this great country) for so long, and you knew the outcome would be devastating, why did you do nothing to prevent it, and why didn't you tell us so that we could prepare ourselves? WHY?
God Bless America!
Yay verily,
Brother Anthony
Director of Mutant Affairs
The Gnome Institute for Human Oddities
Although the economic news is not good, I believe that we, as a nation, will come through this stronger than ever, provided the forces of socialism and globalization are held at bay, and those "elected" rulers do not succumb to leftists and America haters, and turn us over to the U.N (the great satan).
Now, it is no secret that I am a staunch, God fearing, unapologetic America loving conservative. And, as such, I believe in personal responsibility and accountability to myself, my God, my family, my country and to those I work for. This is not a "blame the Democrats" diatribe. (So all you liberal gnomes and other "progressives" that may stumble upon this elucidation of the truth should keep on reading). It is an indictment against, and repudiation of, all of our elected officials. Those of you who are close minded and beholden to your political party, read no further, for you are not seeking the truth. You are simply looking for another venue to spew forth your vile party talking points, and what you read below will cause you to flail about, wailing and gnashing your teeth, all the while seething with anger that I would have the audacity to criticize your beloved political party. Well my friends, I am a true American (by birth, attitude, sacrifice and the grace of God Almighty), and I am not beholden to any political party. So go whine to someone who actually gives a rat's ass about your political posturing and selfish views. You have been warned.
All of this, my friends, brings me to a very serious question: Who did they tell? Who are they and tell what, you may ask? Those of you who are enlightened, and actually believe in something greater than your own pet causes, already know the answers. For the rest, I will enlighten you. As I watched the debates last night, and listened to the pundits, and the talking heads, and the spewers of the party line of lies, deceit and half truths, one line in particular kept being repeated by BOTH of the candidates, and their robotic, fork tongued, goat hoofed demon minions. That "line" (as it will be referred to throughout the remainder of this scintillating epiphany) is: "I knew about this a year ago and told them something needed to be done." I started thinking about it, and realized how many times, and in how many situations, this line has been used by ALL politicians. Whether it be illegal immigration, war, finances and economics, crime, intelligence gathering, local, state and federal budgets, the deficit, etc., when things go wrong, the politicians all say the same thing (just before they blame Bush, Wall Street, the rich, and the opposing political party): "I knew about this FILL IN THE NUMBER years ago, and told them that something had to be done, or we'd be in the position we are in now."
Let's break this down. 1. They (the politicians up for reelection) told them (other politicians). First of all, in this case (the current economic problems), as in virtually all others issues facing this country, the problem was created by the politicians. Sure, there was some greed and shady dealings by certain CEOs, but the cold, hard fact is that it was the federal government who created this. It was the Democratic politicians who forced banks to give loans to people who could not afford them, had their people run Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae into the ground, blocked any efforts to control them, and created this entire culture of greed, entitlements and corruption, all for personal, financial and political gain. Split hairs all you like, but facts are facts. (Keep reading, the Republicans are also taken to task.)
2. Who did they tell? Who is "them"? They told other politicians, who were unwilling to do anything. John McCain said he warned about this years ago. Barack Obama said he warned of the problem a year or so ago. The people in Washington, by their own admission, have been aware of the upcoming turmoil for years, and yet they did nothing about it. NOTHING AT ALL! The Republicans were too busy trying to be all things to all people, and the Democrats were too busy trying to destroy the country and make the President look bad at all costs. Nothing has been accomplished. NOTHING! Again, I say to you, the politicians, and all of their cabinet officials in Washington knew this was coming years ago, AND DID NOTHING ABOUT IT! Now, instead of taking responsibility for their part, accepting the consequences, and moving forward (simple values we instill - or should instill - in our children) for the sake of the country, they blame everyone else, inciting hatred and class envy, all in the name of saving their sorry asses and their jobs! AND THEY GET AWAY WITH IT!
3. Who did they tell? I'll tell you who they didn't tell. They didn't tell us, the citizens and taxpayers of this great country. Why didn't they say anything to us? If they told their colleagues in the House and Senate, and they wouldn't do anything, why didn't they bring it to us? For God's sake, they work for us. We pay them. We put them where they are today. And yet, they treat us like stupid children, that should be seen, and not heard. We must be stupid, because we keep swallowing the same shit sandwiches they've been feeding us for years. It's a simple formula: screw up, deflect the blame, apologize for what "others" have done, focus on petty partisan issues that have nothing to do with the safety and security of our great country (or the crisis at hand), bash the President, and never talk about it again, hoping, which is usually the case, that the American citizens will forget about it, and, once again, give our hard earned money away to those who continually fail us. And the worst part? We keep reelecting them! The politicians have forgotten that they work for us; we are not here to be ruled by them, they are there to work for us. Why didn't they tell us? Because we would have fired them all. You want real change in Washington? Throw out all the bums, and put in real, everyday Americans. Not folks who will simply lecture us and chastise us, but people who really care for this great country and their fellow Americans. People who understand what it is to get up everyday and go to work and get things done. People who understand that if they don't do their job, they will get fired. People who understand that, in America, we all have an equal opportunity, but equal outcome is not guaranteed. People who understand that hard work, dedication and innovation are to be rewarded, not punished, and that mediocrity, dishonesty and no work ethic should be loathed and abhorred. People who understand that socialism and communism were created by evil people in order to keep their power and keep the masses uninformed, oppressed and dependant on the government. If you continually screwed up at your job the way the politicians do, how long would you have a job? (The preceding question does not apply to union members, who can, and do, keep their jobs, regardless of how badly they continually screw up, to the detriment of honest, hard workers.)
4. Why didn't they do anything about it? Because that would mean they would have to actually make a stand on principal, something not many politicians have. They would have to do what's right for the good of this great country, instead of dancing around the issue, so as not to offend anyone who might vote against them. They would actually have to do their job. They would actually have to admit to their boss (the American people) that they screwed up royally, again, and risk getting fired. How many times do they have to fail us before we stand up, get angry, and hold them accountable? Again and again they fail us, then try to spin it like it was someone else’s fault. They are supposed to be our leaders, yet they act like children who continually get caught making trouble: making excuses and blaming others for their own shortcomings, instead of actually taking responsibility for their actions. And all the bleeding hearts and artists (Pink Floyd-The Wall) come to their defense, and tell us we are all to blame because it's all society's fault. Unless, of course, it's a Republican. Then there is a witch hunt, followed by a burning at the stake.
Republicans are not free of sin in this (or any other of the ills facing us). They did nothing to stop what was going on, also for their own personal, political and financial gain. And while they are less implicated, they are no less culpable. There are plenty of other issues that the Republicans have created that have cost us plenty. Remember amnesty for illegals in the 80s? Or how about the Contract with America in the 90s? Sure, it started out right, but then the entire focus of the Republicans that we trusted and hired turned to destroying the President. Doesn't this sound familiar? They failed us. They took our money and spent it like they were entitled to it.
Even those "elected" rulers who were not directly involved, simply by their inaction, all the while knowing of the problem, are just as much to blame as those who directly caused this (or any other) issue.
My question to all of the politicians in Washington is this: If you knew about what was happening in the housing, mortgage and credit markets (or any other issue that is facing our great country) for so long, why didn't you do anything about it? Why did you just let this happen? Why didn't you tell us so that we could be prepared? You had no problem telling us that you knew about it, and that you warned "them", but you did absolutely nothing. This happens all too often. Every crisis that arises, you say you've known about it and warned "them" about it, but YOU DID NOTHING! You say the "line", and spew the party talking points, but the fact remains: YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS AND YOU DID NOTHING ABOUT IT! You have failed us time and time again. You are all beholden to your political parties, instead of being beholden to the American people and this great country. We put our trust in you, but again, as is all too often the case, YOU HAVE FAILED US! I want all of you politicians to look deep into the black holes where your hearts once were, and for once, put down the party Koolaide and be honest with yourselves and, more importantly, us - the American People - and tell all of us why, if you've known about this problem (insert any issue facing this great country) for so long, and you knew the outcome would be devastating, why did you do nothing to prevent it, and why didn't you tell us so that we could prepare ourselves? WHY?
God Bless America!
Yay verily,
Brother Anthony
Director of Mutant Affairs
The Gnome Institute for Human Oddities
Anthony, all I can say is AMEN!
Uncle Tony things are going to get worse and really bad before the American people stand up for what is right including the politians. We went to church this past Sunday and we haven't been in a long while but this wasn't your every Sunday service there was no agenda just a group of christian seeking the Holy Spirit and letting God lead the service instead of man!
Well before we went to church Jeff and I listened to this pastor online and he said something Jesus has been speaking in my heart for months now, and that is, judgement is going to happen and soon. I don't know what kind, I don't know how, I just know what the Lord has been telling me in my heart. He (online pastor) was very concerned about christians in this time because there are so many false teachings everywhere you turn, in good churches, in bad churches, everywhere. Okay so we heard that sermon online and then we went to church and again the pastor of this church (outreach center) said he was at another church, which happens to be close to us and we have been quite a few times, and the pastor said as plane were flying over his house (he was in the backyard) 6 in a row (they no longer use that runway and haven't for years now) as each plane flew over his house God spoke words to him and some of those words were, destruction, despair, casualty, calamity. I was not there but David (pastor) was and these are the things that Kledie (pastor) said God spoke to him (there were more words I just can't remember them all, these were the one that stuck out to me). Then, David (pastor) said God gave him a dream and he didn't usually share such information but felt very strongly that he was supposed to and he felt led by the Spirit to do so (he was very hesitant in telling everyone his dream). The dream was an eagle flying toward the United States with a serpant in its mouth and the eagle was shaking its head violently and the Lord spoke and said judgement was coming. I have been talking to my sistes for awhile now and I always tell them what I am feeling and what the Lord is speaking to me or has spoken to me, so, I say this as a warning, that, was given to me 3 times in one day by three different speakers, at different times they were spoken, but said to me in one day. So I urge everyone to pray for these times ahead because they are going very hard. I want you to know these pastors that I have mentioned are not doomsday pastors and have never preached like this since we have been visiting their churches, especially the online pastor, he is a very awesome Spirit filled christain. If anyone want to hear the message I can give you the website and you can listen for yourself if you would like. I love you and hope this make sense to someone. Love Tracy
Brother Anthony as I have said many times, you have what it takes to change things around you have seen things and been thru things that most of us have only seen on TV. I agree strongly with you that we the True AMERICANS(wether born here or adopted this great country as our own)should run the country we should go back in time and remember what our for fathers wanted for our country and live the life that so many people gave their lives for, Freedom to the American people. We have given up most of the constitution by letting people tell us what we can and cannot do. I am an American I will pray where I want, I will say what I want I will never let someone who has never fought for this country tell me I cant pray or say what I want.
You my brother has what it takes and I know there are more people like you that should run for goverment. I agree let the people in the White House that want to save America not the ones that say we need a change and just do the same things the goverment has always done. Absolutely nothing.
I personally will not be voting for anyone who is already in the senate, the cabinet and so on.
I dont know how long we have on this earth but for the time I do have I will never let anyone tell me that I cant live in freedom. Teach your children to pray, teach them to speak out for their freedom, teach them to stand up for Our Great Country, Our America.
Put someone in the White House that can stand up to the few who want to take our freedom away and that is not afraid to stand up for the people.
As I have also said many times if we ignore God he will ignore us and we will all be doomed to hell on this earth and after we die.
God will guide them if they will just listen.
So please Brother Anthony whatever you have to do, do it and run for office and help turn America around before it is really too late.
Love ya,
the gnomes know ya know
So my wonderful son just don't rant to your family get off your duff and get it out there. Anyone can rant and rave about what is wrong with the Government But it takes Blood Sweat and tears (Winston Churchill) and strong people to get out there and fight for what needs to be done soooooooooo START run for a city office and go from there I know you can do it. Love QMG
dear bro that is why im voting independent,becauose there wont be change untill the demacrats and repulicans get a shakeup,untill a independent or libertarian is voted in it will be the same thing over and over becaouse both demacrats and republicans think there are only two parties in this great counntry and that is not right ther are three and untill they realise this it will be business as usual
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